Gets the coefficients of the affine function defined over a region


Method of pwag object.


This method returns the coefficients of the affine function defined over a given region. The coefficients are returned as two matrices F and G such as the affine function to be evaluated on a the given region is $y = F x + G$. If no region is provided the coefficients of all the functions are returned as "big" matrices F and G. If more polytopes share the same coefficients for the affine function, they are reported only once in the matrices F and G.


[F G] = getFunctions(object)

Returns the coefficients of the affine functions defined over all the polytopes. The coefficients are returned in a "big" matrix F of dimensions $n_{functions} \times n_{dim}$ and a "big" column vector G of n_functions elements.

[F G] = getFunctions(object,reg)

Returns the coefficients of the affine function defined over the polytope whose index is contained in reg. If reg has multiple elements, only the first one is considered.

NOTE: If object is an array of pwag objects, only the first element is considered.



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