Piece-Wise Affine Generic function object




The pwag object describes a Piece-Wise Affine Generic function, i.e. a PWA function defined on a domain partitioned into irregular regions (polytopes). The generic j-th polytope $P_j$ is represented by an inequality in the form $H_j x \leq K_j$ and, for all $x$ in $P_j$ the function assumes the value $y = F_j x + G_j$. The pwag object is derived from pwaFunction object.


object = pwag()

Builds an empty pwag object.

object = pwag(regions,[D])

Builds a pwag object given the edges of each polytope and the matrices representing the affine function defined over each polytope. regions is an array of structures (one for each polytope) with the following fields: H, K, F, G (see description above). D is a matrix representing the domain of the function, in the form $$\left[ \begin{array}{cccc} x_{min}^1 & x_{min}^2 & \ldots & x_{min}^{nx}\\ x_{max}^1 & x_{max}^2 & \ldots & x_{max}^{nx} \end{array} \right] $$. Optional argument.

object = pwag(HybridToolboxController,[D])

Builds an array of pwag objects starting from an MPC controller of class lincon or expcon (see Hybrid Toolbox). If the object is of class lincon (implicit MPC) it is converted into an expcon object (explicit MPC). The expcon object contains control functions for several (N) time istants (receding horizon), for each of these functions a pwag object is created. If soft constraints are enabled in expcon object, the last entry of the pwag array is the slack variable epsilon used to soften the constraints. D is the domain of the function (see above). Optional argument.

object = pwag(MPTController,[D])

Builds an array of pwag objects starting from an explicit MPC controller of class mptctrl (see MPT toolbox). The mptctrl object contains control functions for several (N) time istants (receding horizon), for each of these functions a pwag object is created. D is the domain of the function (see above). Optional argument.



Private methods



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