Gets information related to the circuit synthesis of the pwas virtual sensor


Method of virtualsensor object.


Gets the property synthesisInfo of the virtualsensor object. The structure has the following fields: * nbit: number of bits which code the input data. * nint: number of bits which code the integer part of input data. * nbit_coeff: number of bits used to code the coefficients * nbitout: number of bits which code the output data. * nintout: number of bits which code the integer part of output data. * A, B: matrices used to transform the domain into the range representable in the digital architecture. x --> Ax+B. * alpha, beta: scalar values which must be used to bring the values of the value computed by the circuit into the original range. f --> alpha f + beta. * type: type of architecture ('serial' or 'parallel'). * samplingLatency: number of clock cycles from an input acquisition to the following one. * latency: number of clock cycles needed to acquire inputs and compute the function. * frequency: working frequency of the circuit * folder: folder in which the VHDL files are stored * representation: indicates whether the representation is signed or unsigned * memsize: number of bytes stored in circuit memory * multipliers: number of multipliers required to the circuit

See also method synthesize.


output = getSynthesisInfo(object)

Gets the whole synthesysInfo structure.

output = getSynthesisInfo(object,field)

Gets the field field of the synthesisInfo structure.

NOTE: If object is an array of pwa objects, only the first element is considered.



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