Piece-Wise Affine Simplicial function object




The pwas object describes a Piece-Wise Affine Simplicial function, i.e. a PWA function defined on a domain partitioned into regular regions called simplices. The simplicial partition is obtained by subdividing each of the nd domain components in $m_j$ segments, thus obtaining $\prod_{j=1}^{n_d} m_j$ hyper-rectangles. Each of these hyper-rectangles is further partitioned into nd! simplices. If, for each component, the $m_j$ segments have the same length, the partition is uniform, otherwise it is non-uniform. Any pwas function can be expressed as weighted sum of basis functions:

$$U_{pwas}(x,w_j) = \sum_{j=1}^{Nbs} w_j \varphi_j(x)$$

where $\varphi(x)$ can be the $\alpha$, $\beta$ or $\psi$ basis.

NOTE: at the current release of the toolbox only alpha basis can be employed.


fpwa = pwas()

Builds an empty pwas object.

fpwa = pwas(pwasObj)

Builds a pwas object which is an exact copy of pwasObj.

fpwa = pwas(D,P)

Builds a pwas object which contains only the information about the domain and the simplicial partition. The weights are not set. D is a matrix specifying the domain in the form: $$\left[ \begin{array}{cccc} x_{min}^1 & x_{min}^2 & \ldots & x_{min}^{nx}\\ x_{max}^1 & x_{max}^2 & \ldots & x_{max}^{nx} \end{array} \right] $$ P can be an array containing the number of subdivisions per dimensions (in case of uniform partition) or a cell array whose i-th element contains the i-th component of the vertices of the simplicial partition (for non-uniform partition).

fpwa = pwas(D,P,w)

Builds a complete pwas object by setting the domain, the partition and also the weights for the $\alpha$ basis functions. In this way the function is completely defined.

fpwa = pwas(D,P,w,basis)

Builds a complete pwas object by setting the domain, the partition the weights for the basis functions and by specifying also which basis is used. In this way the function is completely defined. In this release the only choice for basis is 'alpha'.



Private methods



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