Generates the VHDL files describing the digital circuit implementing the pwag function


Method of pwag object.


This method generates automatically the VHDL files for the implementation of a digital architecture which computes the value of the pwag function. The digital architecture is based on a binary search tree. If the tree is not available for the function (it can be computed in advance with method computeTree) it is automatically computed.

In order to map into a fixed point architecture, all the values (inputs, matrices) are rescaled and quantized: if you want the circuit to compute the value of the pwag function in a point x, you must give to the circuit the value A x + B. The result f given by the circuit must be multiplied for a scalar alpha in order to come back to the original domain. x --> A x + B, f --> alpha f. The values A, B and alpha are stored in a structure synthesisInfo, property of the pwag object. They can be retrieved by using method getSynthesisInfo. The structure also stores the number of bits used to represent data in the circuit and other useful information (see method getSynthesisInfo).

Two circuit architectures are available: a serial one, employing a Multiply and Accumulate block and a parallel one employing as many multipliers as the number of dimensions of the domain. Three different methods for the acquisition of the inputs can be chosen for both architectures: serial bitwise (at each clock cycle, one bit of all input components is read), serial component-wise (at each clock cycle a whole component of the input point is read) or parallel (all components of the input point are read in parallel).

A log file is also generated in which the circuit performances are reported.


object = synthesize(object,circuit_parameters,[options])

The pwag object is returned as output because it is modified inside the method. circuit_parameters is a structure with the following fields:

It is possible to specify further options for the synthesis process. options is a structure with the following fields:



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