Simulates the dynamical system and plots time evolution of states and inputs


Method of linearSystem object.


This method allows to simulate the dynamical system by iterating the map starting from an initial state $x_0$ and given a PWA control function as input. The PWA control function can derive from an explicit MPC control law or by an approximated PWA controller. A vector of parameters is also passed to the system. The time evolution of the state and input variables is also plotted (if the sampling time of the system is available, the x axis of the plot displays the actual time; else just the iteration number). If the number of state variables is 2 or 3 also the state trajectory is plotted.


[X U T] = simplot(object,x0,p,N,PWAobject)

x0 is the initial condition, p is the array of parameters, N is the number of iterations of the map and PWAobject is one of the objects defining a PWA function available in the toolbox (pwag, pwas, pwar). The outputs X and U are matrices whose columns are the state and input variables, respectively, at each iteration of the map. T is a column vector containing the time instants (if sampling time is provided) or the the iteration number.



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