last modified September 30, 2019 - 08:23 CEST

CEPAGE Toolbox




Download CEPAGE Toolbox [version v2]



CEPAGE is an Object-Oriented-Programming-based MATLAB toolbox which allows to:
  • Simulate small neural networks and CPGs;
  • Compute the so called phase-difference representation of an ensamble of oscillators;
  • Generate files to compute the continuation analysis of a small neural network through MATcont and AUTO-07p;
  • Generate C files for the microcontroller implementation of the compensators, useful for a real-time compensation of hysteretic systems;


The toolbox has been tested on MATLAB R2015b with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 operating systems.
No compatibility issues are expected with different MATLAB versions (not older than MATLAB R2009) and different operating systems.
The toolbox employes MEX files, i.e., functions written in C which are called by MATLAB.
This allows to really increase the computation speed. Nevertheless, a C compiler is required to compile mex files. Type

>> mex -setup

to configure your compiler.

Installation instructions

In order to install CEPAGE toolbox follow these steps:
  1. Open MATLAB;
  2. Move to the CEPAGE folder;
  3. Type
    >> setup
  4. When asked, type y to insall boost c++ library
    >> y
    If the MATLAB path cannot be saved, you will need to perform the installation every time you run MATLAB.
Further installation instruction are aviable in the toolbox manual.




If you use the toolbox for research, please cite the following paper:

  1. Lodi M., Shilnikov A., Storace M., "CEPAGE: a toolbox for Central Pattern Generator analysis",
    201 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence (Italy), May 27-30, 2018. In the press.

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