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email Lorenzo Repetto
ITIS "Italo Calvino"
Via Borzoli, 21
16153, Genoa, Italy

International Journals

last modified November 30, 2017 - 14:43 CET

  • Repetto, L.; Parodi, M. & Storace, M.
    A procedure for the computation of accurate PWL approximations of nonlinear dynamical systems
    International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2006, 34, 237-248
  • Repetto, L.; Storace, M. & Parodi, M.
    A method for the approximate synthesis of cellular non-linear networks -- Part 2: Circuit reduction
    International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2003, 31, 299-313
  • Storace, M.; Repetto, L. & Parodi, M.
    A method for the approximate synthesis of cellular non-linear networks -- Part 1: Circuit definition
    International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2003, 31, 277-297

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